Real Estate Listings

Lemor Realty Corp’s real estate listings include both commercial and residential properties in the greater New York City area.

Lemor Realty Real Estate ListingsCommercial Space. Lemor offers commercial space for lease or rent and for sale, including office space, stores, multi-family housing, and taxpayers with residential space above storefronts.

Residential Properties. Lemor also offers a wide variety of residential space for rent and for sale, including single and multi-family houses, brownstones, townhouses, apartments, co-ops and condominiums.

Greater New York Location. Lemor’s real estate listings are clustered around New York City, with a number in Harlem, but include properties in the outer boroughs — Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and the Bronx — and in nearby suburban counties, such as Nassau and Westchester.  Lemor also has a luxurious, upscale rental in Edgartown on Martha’s Vineyard, MA.

Lemor Corp. Involvement. Many of Lemor’s real estate listings are for properties that Lemor has recently renovated or rehabilitated to market standards, and for properties for which Lemor has in its property management portfolio.

You can buy, rent or lease with confidence, knowing Lemor Realty Corp.stands proudly behind each and every one of its real estate listings, some of which are shown below.  For more information, call 212-281-2714 or email us for an appointment.